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Bloomington-Normal Baseball Association

Bloomington-Normal Baseball Association

Rules, Guidelines and General Information


The Bloomington-Normal Baseball Association is a community-based baseball program that strives to provide the boys and girls of the Bloomington-Normal area with an inclusive outlook on how the game of baseball is played fundamentally but will also continue to make every effort to demonstrate and teach each player in the program respect, competitiveness, teamwork, and responsibility. All our volunteers should strive to help the association by following our key objective of providing an enjoyable baseball experience for everyone by maintaining our goal of player development, healthy competition, and inclusivity. We encourage parents, coaches, and staff to provide every child participating in our program with the utmost inclusiveness. The values our association focuses on will support the player’s development of life skills that will help them succeed and thrive in the future. Achieving this mission will take the combined efforts of everyone involved with the program.

BNBA staff, 
Coaches and parents should strive to:

·         Provide each player with the opportunity to learn, develop, and improve their baseball skills on a regular basis.

·         Provide each player with an atmosphere that encourages mental, social, and emotional maturity.

·         Prepare players for the next level.

·         Develop each player as a Whole Person within a Team environment.

·         Focus on the Process rather than the Outcome.

·         To demand an Ownership attitude that encourages the players to account for their own development rather than blame others or make                   

·         To foster an open climate where players have the confidence and are encouraged to communicate anything at any time to anyone.

·         To understand that baseball is a vehicle that does not teach character, but reveals character through adversity, humility, sacrifice, and                         

·         To ensure that each player truly enjoys the game of baseball. HAVE FUN!!!

To support this, BNBA offers 3 levels of youth baseball:

·         RHINO CENTRAL ILLINOIS- area High School travel league with teams from 15U to 18U. Try-outs are held in late July, early August.

·         BNBA RENEGADES- area travel teams from 8U to 14U. Try-outs are held in late July, early August.

·         BNBA RECREATIONAL- developmental level baseball comprised of five divisions which include:

                    T-Ball (Alternative) ages 5-6

                     Rookie (Coach pitch) ages 7-8

                     Prospect (Kid pitch) ages 9-10

                     Minor ages 11-12

                     Major ages 13-14


The BNBA Board has made and will continue to make efforts to update and amend the BNBA rules for accuracy and to adapt to current and relevant new rules for each baseball season.


These BNBA rules are provided “as is ” and to the fullest extent applicable, are the guiding principles

for BNBA, however, the BNBA Board retains Broad Discretion and does reserve the right to make

change, amend and/or to make exception to any rule as deemed necessary, and without limitation,

by looking at any circumstance that warrants such action. These changes, including change in content,

description, terms, etc., may be made at any time without notice by a majority Board vote.


General Guidelines

GG-1 Program Registration:  All players must be registered with the BNBA for the season before they are allowed to participate. No player may be registered in the BNBA in house program if the player is on ANY travel baseball team roster, (Renegades, Pony, Game 7, etc.….). If any in-house team uses an illegal player, the opposing coach may file a protest. The Coach/Team filing the protest MUST (1) after the game has started, or when the illegal player was discovered, notify the umpire as well as the opposing coach that they are playing under protest. (2) At the CONCLUSION of the game, email all information including the game date, time, field, name of teams, name of illegal player, and the position he/she was playing in the field. Illegal players will be dealt with only after the game was played and the player has participated.

GG-2 Uniforms:  All players must be in full uniform provided by BNBA(jersey, pants, and hat). If any part of the uniform is damaged, or lost, a replacement can be ordered. Jersey replacement can take 3-4 weeks to receive. The purpose of this is to create program and team continuity as well as recognizing each of our sponsors.

GG-3 Tobacco & Alcohol Use:  The use of or presence of tobacco and/or alcohol products of ANY kind shall be prohibited by all participants (including but not limited to players, coaches, umpires and parents) within the confines of field and dugout areas. Local facilities may have stricter policies prohibiting tobacco and/or alcohol from facility and parking areas. These policies, if any, shall be recognized and enforced during BNBA events. Any violation of said rules are cause for immediate removal and suspension.

GG-4 Sportsmanship/Ejections/Suspensions:  The BNBA is committed to promoting good sportsmanship, responsible behavior, and a positive environment for the youth of our community to play the game of baseball. Therefore, we are instituting a ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY regarding behavior of all coaches, players, officials, and parents/spectators. EVERYONE will be held to this standard.

GG-4-1 Each coach, player, official, and parent/spectator is ultimately responsible for their own behavior, however, a Head Coach can be removed and/or suspended for the behavior of his/her assistant coaches, players, and parents.

GG-4-2 Un-Sportsman like behaviors include, but are not limited to, use of profane or obscene language, arguing with officials, other coaches, players, and parents/spectators, threats of any kind, disrespectful language towards officials, players, coaches, and parents/spectators, intentionally delaying the game. HEAD COACHES are the only person allowed to Discuss calls with the officials.

GG-4-3 Concerns related to an official’s performance shall NOT be addressed at the playing field. Coaches, players, or parents/spectators shall NOT argue with or chastise an official. NO ONE is to argue balls and strikes. Officials may deem the game a forfeit, or eject the offender/offenders should a coaches, players, or parents/spectators’ behavior become inappropriate, intimidating, or unprofessional.

GG-4-4 If a coach, or parent/spectator is ejected because of their own actions, it will result in that person being given a 2 GAME SUSPENSION. A player’s ejection will result in a 1 GAME SUSPENSION for that player. Upon being suspended, they MAY NOT ATTEND or BE ON THE PREMISES during the entire duration of the games played under suspension.

GG-4-5 Any person (coach, player, parent/spectator) who is ejected twice during the season will be suspended for the remainder of the season and may not return without approval of the BNBA board. The board retains broad discretion to impose additional sanctions on coaches, players, and parents/spectators for inappropriate or unsportsmanlike conduct as needed on a case-by-case basis.

GG-5 Protests :  Coaches may protest a game if they believe an umpire has misinterpreted a rule or for roster/participation violations. Judgement calls may not be protested. To protest a game, time must be called, and the game stopped. After appealing to the Home Plate Umpire, the protesting coach shall inform the Home Plate Umpire that his team is playing the game under protest. Umpires do not determine if the protest is valid. Both team’s scorebooks must be marked at the exact point of protest and signed by both Head Coaches and the Home Plate Umpire with the elapsed game time noted. The game shall continue and conclude. The BNBA Director/Board shall determine the validity of the protest based on the information submitted and its own investigation.

GG-6  Unnecessary or Intentional Delays:  Teams must appear on the field promptly when playing defense, and exit promptly when coming to bat. Any attempt by a team to delay the start of next half inning for any reason, will result in a warning given by the officials. A second attempt may result in a forfeit. This will be determined by the on- field officials.

GG-7  Inclement Weather:  Under no circumstances shall play be continued where thunder and lightning are observed. The umpire shall clear the field and play shall not resume until 30 minutes have elapsed from the last observation of thunder or lightning. Adults should be aware of weather conditions and be prepared to call the game in the event of dangerous weather. BNBA fully respects a coach’s or parent’s decision to remove their players from a game based on weather conditions. A forfeit will not be called if a coach, or umpire is of the opinion the weather conditions are unsafe for play. This does not have to be a common decision between opposing coaches. With 20-25 fields across the community, BNBA cannot assess the severity of the various locations and relies on the adults present to make these decisions. BNBA does not cancel games based on forecasts or due to high temperatures or the heat index. Coaches, players and parents are discouraged from calling the office regarding weather related game status. The BNBA website Field Status area will be updated as soon as the office receives the info from Field Crews, and Coaches will receive a text message. BNBA encourages everyone to be patient as the status of some fields may not be known until about game time.

GG-8  League Schedule:  Week night games will start at 5:30, and late games will begin 30 minutes after the first game. Saturday games start at 10:30, and later games 30 minutes after the previous game. Saturday and Sunday games at the Corn Crib are subject to the Corn Belters schedule. BNBA will schedule practices for each team the two weeks preceding the regular season. In season practices will be scheduled for each team. The schedule will be abbreviated during Memorial Day and 4th of July holidays. BNBA will notify coaches if there is a necessary change in schedule. When schedules are posted, they may be accessed on the BNBA website via the Registration Info or Team Central tabs. On the schedule, the team listed second is the home team.

GG-9  Field Usage:  BNBA maintains field use agreements with The City of Bloomington, Town of Normal, Unit 5 schools, as well as the Corn Crib. In order to continue having the privilege of using these 20-25 fields it is imperative that everyone participating in any BNBA function at these locations be aware of and honor their policies and procedures. Pick up our trash and place it in the trash cans. Do not hit or pitch into fence, and do not climb or hang on fence, just to name a few.

GG-10  Players & Substitutions:  BNBA will attempt to assign no more than 14 players to each team and no less than 12 players, however, BNBA does reserve the right to balance rosters when deemed necessary. Registrants may request to play with a particular Coach or player or play with other kids from the same school. BNBA will make every effort to honor all request regarding player assignment. At times when coaches are not available to create more teams, players without a team will be assigned to teams with less than 14 players. This may still cause some, if not all teams, to carry upwards of 16 players. Unlimited substitution is permitted except for the pitcher who cannot be re-entered as a pitcher in the same game.

GG-11  Forfeits, 10 Run Rule, Complete Game:  A team failing to field 8 players within 15 minutes after the scheduled start of the game shall forfeit. An out must be placed anywhere in the batting order when a team plays with 8 players and remain in the same spot of the lineup throughout the game. The opposing team may offer the team short a player one of their teammates so the team short a player does not have to take an out. For Rookie and Prospect divisions the 10-run rule applies when the home team is ahead by 10 runs after 3 ½ innings. For Minor and Major divisions, the 10-run rule applies when the home team is ahead by 10 runs after 4 ½ innings. A complete game in Rookie and Prospect will be 4 innings. A complete game in Minor and Major will be 5 innings, or when time runs out. A new
inning cannot be started with 10, or less, minutes left in the game.

GG-12  Player Pool:  The BNBA has established a PLAYER POOL for the ROOKIE, PROSPECT, MINOR, and MAJOR divisions. Parents can submit their players name to the player pool by April 15. BNBA will compile a list of players that Coaches can contact and ask to play on a given night for their team when they are short on players. Pool players CANNOT pitch for the team that is borrowing them. The pool player will wear their regular team uniform and bat at the bottom of the batting order. Coaches can only ask a player to substitute for their team for one game at a time. Pool players CANNOT skip their regular scheduled team games to substitute for another team.

GG-13  Playing Time:  Coaches shall make an effort to give every player equal playing time, and to play several different positions throughout the season. However, coaches reserve the right to position a player based on their ability, to prevent injury or dangerous situations to the player. Coaches should do their best to let each player start as many games as possible. The opportunity to win a game IS NOT more important than giving players the opportunity to experience multiple situations and opportunities for learning and growth.

GG-14  Pre-Game:  The visiting team will start infield warm-ups 30 minutes before game time and will have 10 minutes before the home team takes the field for warm ups 20 minutes before game time. 10 minutes before game time coaches will meet with umpires to review the rules and clarify any rule misunderstandings. At this time both teams’ scorekeepers should exchange rosters (line-up). This exchange of rosters is for any disputes that may arise during the game. Warm-ups may be abbreviated or eliminated altogether for late games, because earlier games are running late.

GG-15  Suspended Games:  Any game that is stopped due to inclement weather and has not reached complete status (see GG-11) is deemed to be a suspended game. Suspended games will be scheduled ASAP, when it is convenient for both teams. If a player on the original line-up is absent when the game is resumed, his position in the line-up can be removed without penalty. Any player not on the original line-up and is present when the game is resumed can be added without penalty.

GG-16 Regular Season Games/Tournament Games: BNBA will schedule each team 14-16 regular season games, and will attempt to schedule a double elimination end of season tournament, as well as division all-star games.

Game Rules


Alternative (T-Ball):  Welcome to a different, more exciting, even better way to introduce baseball

to 4- to 6-year-olds. Starting with the 2023 season, BNBA will introduce an alternative Tee-Ball

experience that engages all participants and promises a higher level of learning and fun. The success

of this program will rely entirely on the level that Alternative-Tee Ball parents get involved. Each team

will need a head coach and at least four other assistants (helpers), and no more than 12 players. BNBA

will make every effort to keep teams at 12 players in order to help make the program work.

Throughout the season each team will conduct an Alternative session, and a traditional Tee-Ball game

each week either on Tuesdays, Thursdays or Saturdays. Below is a brief outline on how to conduct an

 Alternative-Tee Ball session:

First 20 minutes – introduce youth baseball drills to the team, 3 different stations running at the same time for about 6 minutes and then rotate until each player has done each station. You can introduce Base Running Drills, Throwing and Receiving Drills, Infield Drills, Outfield Drills, Hitting Drills, Team Base Running Drills, even Pitcher Fielding Drills. Keep them moving-quick pace. The objective is not on mastery of the drills but that of exposure and keeping them engaged.

Next 30 minutes/Scrimmage – half the team hits and the other half fields, every offensive player bats every inning. A coach will pitch underhanded, overhanded to a more advanced hitter, on a knee back about 10 feet. Hitter runs on 3rd strike and coach catcher will roll a ball to fielder to simulate that player got a hit. Count outs, but not runs! 3 outs and switch – if the pace is slow in recording outs, change to 1 or 2 outs per inning. Engage them, keep them moving, have them hustle in and hustle out. Talk to each player about what happens. Again, the objective is not on mastery at this point.

Last 20 minutes/Fun Games of Baseball Practice – Put common, small parts of the game of baseball into competitive, fun games.

Traditional T-Ball:  Head coaches are listed on roster, additional coaches are assigned by the Head

coach. All players will play the field. Catchers will not be used. Coaches should be in the field of play to

assist and instruct players. Rotate players each inning. Everyone bats each half inning, regardless of the

number of outs recorded, and the leadoff hitter of the previous inning becomes the last hitter of the next

inning. Runners may advance one base only on each play, and any runner forced out at any base shall

return to the dugout. A coach shall pitch no more than 3 pitches to each batter and if batter does not hit,

place ball on tee and assist with hitting instruction. Only the batter, and on-deck hitter should have a bat

in their hands. NO BUNTING, NO STEALING, NO STRIKEOUTS, NO INFIELD FLY. Score will not be

Rookie/Coach Pitch:
  This division of BNBA is designed to continue introducing the fundamentals

of baseball to 7-to-8-year- old, with coaches as pitchers. Coach pitch is intended to be instructional,

score will not be kept, there will be no “place standings”, everyone wins, and no one loses. The focus is

on fostering an interest in the game and developing basic skills as well as teaching good sportsmanship

through a fun, positive, engaging, and encouraging approach. Each player should be given opportunities

to play several different positions and playing time should be divided as evenly as possible throughout the

season. Each player should be given the opportunity to be in different parts of the batting order

throughout the season. Remember, Coach pitch is to be more instructional than competitive, and coaches

and parents should make our children’s development priority number 1.


1.     Coaches will pitch to their own players. Pitching style and distance from home plate can and

will vary depending on the hitter’s ability.

2.     Each batter shall be given 7 total pitches, unless they receive 4 strikes before the 7th pitch.

If the 7th pitch, or any subsequent pitch, is fouled, the batter continues until he/she swings

and misses or puts the ball in play. No walks! No bunting!

3.     Bats used by BNBA players should have the USA Baseball, or USSSA baseball certification stamped on them.

4.     Bat sizes are determined by several factors, such as, age (weight, height), skill level, and bat

drop size (difference between length and weight). One example of drop size would be 29/19,

which means the bat is 29 inches in length and weighs 19 ounces. For most Rookie aged players

bat sizes can range from 29/19 to 32/21.

5.     No wood bats allowed.

6.     All players must be in the batting order regardless of whether they are playing in the field.


1.     Base runner(s) must remain on the base until the ball is hit, no leadoffs. There is no stealing.

2.     Runners may advance one additional base on overthrows (except for home plate).

3.     On hits or overthrows to the outfield, before a fielder has control of the ball, base runners may

only advance one extra base past the base they are coming from.

4.     Base length is 60ft

5.     Only 6 runs per inning allowed

6.     Game length will be limited to 6 innings or 1 hour and 30 minutes, whichever occurs first.

7.     BNBA utilizes the safety base 1st base at our fields. Coaches should teach their players to

utilize the orange part of the base when proceeding to first.


1.     A maximum of 11 players can be in the field, however, a team may play with as few as 9.

2.     If at any time a team can’t field at least 9 players, that team can borrow players from their opponents, or get players from the player pool.

3.     Players should play true baseball positions. If playing 11, the 2 extra players are in left center and

right center.

4.     All catchers will wear complete protective equipment, which includes helmet and mask, chest

protector, and shin guards.

Prospect/Kid Pitch:  This division of BNBA continues building upon the fundamental skills

introduced in the Rookie division, and, introducing basic pitching skills to 9-to-10- year- old.  BNBA’s

guidelines for pitching closely follow the MLB’s and USA Baseball’s Pitch Smart guidelines, and require

all Coaches/Assistants to strictly abide by the recommended pitch count and required rest periods. The

guidelines set workload limits for pitchers to limit the likelihood of arm fatigue and injuries. Research has

shown that pitch counts are the most accurate and effective means of doing so. As with the Rookie

division, the top priority is instructing and developing EVERY player, and, ensuring EVERYONE has an

incredibly fun season. It is imperative that we do not sacrifice our kids for a win!



1.     All players must be in the batting order regardless of whether they are playing in the field.

2.     The batting order may not be changed once the game has started. Late arrivals must be placed

at the end of the batting order.

3.     An inning is over once three outs, or 6 runs have been recorded.

4.     A coach may call time to talk to the batter only once per at-bat. A violation of this rule will

result in the batter being called out. Exceptions to this rule would be if the umpire or opposing

coach calls time out or in case of an injury.

5.     Bats used by BNBA players should have the USA Baseball, or USSSA baseball certification

stamped on them.

6.     Bat sizes are determined by several factors, such as, age (weight, height), skill level, and bat

drop size (difference between length and weight). One example of drop size would be 29/19,

which means the bat is 29 inches in length and weighs 19 ounces. For most Prospect aged

players bat sizes can range from 29/19 to 32/24.

7.     No wood bats allowed.

8.     Bunting is allowed.

9.     A batter cannot be out of the batter’s box when the ball is hit. This includes stepping on home

plate. If this happens the batter will be called out.

10.  If a batter flings, throws, or flips his/her bat a warning will be given. Any subsequent violation

will result in an out.


1.     Base runner(s) must remain on the base until the pitcher is in his/her pitching motion, at this

point the runner may come off the base.

2.     Steals are limited to 3 per inning, and a double steal constitutes 2 steals.

3.     A runner advancing on a wild pitch or passed ball counts as a stolen base.

4.     Stealing home is not permitted unless a play is made on the runner at third base.

5.     Runners may advance one additional base on overthrows

6.     Base Length is 60ft

7.     Only 6 runs per inning allowed

8.     Game length will be limited to 6 innings or 1 hour and 45 minutes, whichever occurs first.

9.     BNBA utilizes the safety base 1st base at our fields. Coaches should teach their players to

utilize the orange part of the base when proceeding to first.


1.     A maximum of 10 players can be in the field, however, a team may play with as few as 8.

2.     If at any time a team can’t field at least 8 players, that team can borrow players from their

opponents, or get players from the player pool. An auto out will be taken for the missing player.

3.     If playing 10, the extra player is placed in the outfield. The outfield will then constitute a left

fielder, left center, right center, and a right fielder.

4.     Players should not sit more than 2 consecutive innings.

5.     The infield fly rule does not apply.

6.     The drop third strike does not apply.

7.     If the ball is thrown out of the playing field (under or over a fence, into the dugout, or stuck

under a fence), play stops and all baserunners are allowed to advance one base beyond the

base they were attempting.

8.     A ball batted fair that bounces over, under, or becomes stuck in a fence, is a ground rule double.


1.     The number of pitches thrown by each pitcher must be recorded on the umpire’s game card, as

well as in both team’s scorebook. Each team will receive a dual pitch counter for the purpose

of tracking pitches of every pitcher from both teams.

2.     It is the responsibility of the Head Coach to ensure that pitch counts are being kept and recorded.

3.     Each team shall designate a coach or parent to operate the dual pitch counter, and to keep

umpires and head coach up to date on each pitcher’s pitch count.

4.     Pitching distance for Prospect division is 46ft.

5.     No player may pitch more than 60 pitches per game and 95 pitches in a calendar week,

(Monday through Sunday). If a player pitches 60 pitches on Monday, he/she must immediately

come out and has 35 pitches for the remainder of the week. Any pitcher reaching the maximum

number of pitches at the time he/she is facing a hitter, must be removed immediately, and cannot

finish the batter. It is the responsibility of the Head Coach to keep track of each pitcher’s pitch

count, and strictly abide by this rule.

6.     If there is a disagreement between pitch counts, then the two different pitch counts shall be

added together and divided by two. It is imperative to track pitches.

7.     A rest period is required for each pitcher that appears and pitches in a game. This rest period is as follows:

A.    0 Day: 1-25 pitches

B.    1 Day: 26-50 pitches

C.    2 Days: 51-60 Pitches

8.     Balks will not be called! However, umpires may call “Balk” and explain to the pitcher why he called a balk. Coaches may take this time to instruct the pitcher.

9.     A team is allowed 2 mound visits per pitcher, per game. A third visit will result in the current

pitcher being removed from the mound.

10.  At the beginning of a game the starting pitcher shall be given 8 warm up pitches, and each

subsequent inning 5 warm up pitches. Relief pitchers shall be allowed no more than 5 warm

up pitches. This includes warm up pitches to a coach or other player.

11.  Any player warming up a pitcher shall wear a catcher’s mask.

12.  Safety, especially pitching, is taken very seriously, and for that reason anyone that violates these rules, in any manner, will be subject to removal and possible suspension. These rules like all rules are for the safety of the players and to safeguard the integrity of this game as well as our organization.

13.  Pitch Smart is a joint initiative between MLB and USA Baseball that provides a series of practical, age-appropriate guidelines to help parents, players, and coaches avoid overuse injuries and foster long, healthy careers for amateur players.

Minor:  This division, for 11-to-12-year-old, expands upon the skills learned in the Prospect

division, as well as increasing the understanding of baseball position play and baseball rules.

BNBA’s guidelines for pitching closely follow the MLB’s and USA Baseball’s Pitch Smart guidelines,

and require all Coaches/Assistants to strictly abide by the recommended pitch count and required

rest periods. The guidelines set workload limits for pitchers to limit the likelihood of arm fatigue and

injuries. Research has shown that pitch counts are the most accurate and effective means of doing

so. Just as in the previous divisions, all Minor division players deserve equal playing opportunities,

and a chance to learn different positions. The goal here is to increase their love and knowledge of

the game and assist in the building of character.



1.     All players must be in the batting order regardless of whether they are playing the field.

2.     The batting order may not be changed once the game has started. Late arrivals must be placed

at the end of the batting order.

3.     An inning is over once three outs, or 6 runs have been recorded.

4.     A coach may call time to talk to the batter only once per at-bat. A violation of this rule will result

In the batter being called out. Exceptions to this rule would be if the umpire or opposing coach

calls time out or in case of an injury.

5.     Bats used by BNBA players should have the USA Baseball, or USSSA Baseball certification

stamped on them.

6.     Bat sizes are determined by several factors, such as, age (weight, height), skill level, and bat

drop size (difference between length and weight). One example of drop size would be 29/19,

which means the bat is 29 inches in length and weighs 19 ounces. For most Minor aged players

bat sizes can range from 30/25 to 32/24.

7.     No wood bats allowed.

8.     Bunting is allowed.

9.     A batter cannot be out of the batter’s box when the ball is hit. This includes stepping on home

plate. If this happens the batter will be called out.

10.  If a batter flings, throws, or flips his/her bat a warning will be given. Any subsequent violation

will result in an out.


1.     Lead offs are allowed

2.     Steals are limited to 3 per inning, and a double steal constitutes 2 steals.

3.     A runner advancing on a wild pitch or passed ball counts as a stolen base.

4.     Stealing home is not permitted unless a play is made on the runner at third base.

5.     Runners may advance one additional base on overthrows.

6.     Base length is 70ft.

7.     Only 6 runs per inning allowed.

8.     Game length will be limited to 7 innings or 1 hour and 45 minutes, whichever occurs first.

9.     BNBA utilizes the safety base 1st base at our fields. Coaches should teach their players to

utilize the orange part of the base when proceeding to first.


1.     A maximum of 9 players in regular baseball positions can be in the field, however, a team

may play with as few as 8.

2.     If at any time a team can’t field at least 8 players, that team can borrow players from their

opponents, or get players from the player pool. An automatic out will be taken for the missing

ninth player.

3.     Players should not sit more than 2 consecutive innings.

4.     Infield fly rule applies

5.     The drop third strike does not apply.

6.     If the ball is thrown out of the playing field (under or over a fence, into the dugout, or stuck

under a fence), play stops and all baserunners are allowed to advance one base beyond the

base they were attempting.

7.     A batted fair ball that bounces over, under, or becomes stuck in a fence, is a ground rule double.


1.     The number of pitches thrown by each pitcher must be recorded on the umpire’s game card, as

well as in both team’s scorebook. Each team will receive a dual pitch counter for the purpose of

tracking pitches of every pitcher from both teams.

2.     It is the responsibility of the Head Coach to ensure that pitch counts are being kept and recorded.

3.     Each team shall designate a coach or parent to operate the dual pitch counter, and to keep

umpires and head coaches up to date on each pitcher’s pitch count.

4.     Pitching distance for Minor division is 50ft.

5.     No player may pitch more than 70 pitches per game and 125 pitches in a calendar week

(Monday through Sunday). If a player pitches 70 pitches on Monday, he/she must immediately

come out and has 55 pitches for the remainder of the week. Any pitcher reaching the maximum

number of pitches at the time he/she is facing a hitter, must be removed immediately, and cannot

finish the batter. It is the responsibility of the Head Coach to keep track of each pitcher’s pitch

count, and strictly abide by this rule.

6.     If there is a disagreement between pitch counts, then the two different pitch counts shall be

added together and divided by two. It is imperative to track pitches.

7.     A rest period is required for each pitcher that appears and pitches in a game. This rest period is

as follows

A.    0 Day: 1-30 pitches

B.    1 Day: 31-55 pitches

C.    2 Days: 56-70 pitches

8.     Balks will not be called! However, umpires may call “Balk” and explain to the pitcher why he

called a balk. Coaches may take this time to instruct the pitcher.

9.     A team is allowed 2 mound visits per pitcher, per game. A third visit will result in the current

pitcher being removed from the mound.

10.  At the beginning of a game the starting pitcher shall be given 8 warm up pitches, and each

subsequent inning 5 warm up pitches. Relief pitchers shall be allowed no more than 5 warm

up pitches. This includes warm up pitches to a coach or other player.

11.  Any player warming up a pitcher shall wear a catcher’s mask.

12.  Safety, especially pitching, is taken very seriously, and for that reason anyone that violates these

rules, in any manner, will be subject to removal and possible suspension. These rules like all

rules are for the safety of the players and to safeguard the integrity of this game as well as our


13.  Pitch Smart is a joint initiative between MLB and USA Baseball that provides a series of practical age-appropriate guidelines to help parents, players, and coaches avoid overuse injuries and foster long, healthy careers for amateur players

Major:  Players in this 13-to-14-year-old division can strengthen skills previously learned and increase

their knowledge and understanding of baseball strategy, as well as develop skills that will prepare them

to compete at a higher level of the game. BNBA’s guidelines for pitching closely follow the MLB’s and

USA Baseball’s Pitch Smart guidelines, and require all Coaches/Assistants to strictly abide by the

recommended pitch count and required rest periods. The guidelines set workload limits for pitchers to

limit the likelihood of arm fatigue and injuries. Research has shown that pitch counts are most accurate

and effective means of doing so. The idea that every player deserves equal playing opportunities, equal

opportunities for skill development, as well as equal opportunities for personal growth within a team

environment, continues to be BNBA’s guiding principles.



1.     All players must be in the batting order regardless of whether they are playing the field.

2.     The batting order may not be changed once the game has started. Late arrivals must be

placed at the end of the batting order.

3.     A coach may call time to talk to the batter only once per at-bat. A violation of this rule will result

in the batter being called out. Exceptions to this rule would be if the umpire or opposing coach

calls time out or in case of an injury.

4.     Bats used by BNBA players should have the USA Baseball, or USSSA Baseball certification

stamped on them.

5.     Bat sizes are determined by several factors, such as, age (weight, height), skill level, and bat

drop size (difference between length and weight). One example of drop size would be 29/19,

which means the bat is 29 inches in length and weighs 19 ounces. For most Major aged players

bat sizes can range from 31/23 to 32/29

6.     No wood bats allowed.

7.     Bunting is allowed.

8.     A batter cannot be out of the batter’s box when the ball is hit. This includes stepping on home

plate. If this happens the batter will be called out.

9.     If a batter flings, throws, or flips his/her bat, a warning will be given. Any subsequent violation

will result in an out.


1.     Steals or advancements are unlimited, including home plate.

2.     Base runners must slide whenever there is an attempt by the defense to put them out, especially

at home plate.

3.     The umpires may waive the slide requirement if they deem there was no obvious play attempt

at any base (except 1st base). Umpires have full discretion to rule on whether the play was close

enough to require runner to slide.

4.     The intent in requiring runners to slide is to prevent potential collisions/injuries between runner and fielder, and coaches are required to direct a player to slide when appropriate.

5.     In play other than a steal attempt, and there is no obvious play made at the plate, the catcher may

not unnecessarily block the plate.

6.     Base length is 80ft.

7.     Runs are unlimited.

1.     Game length will be limited to 7 innings or 2 hours, whichever occurs first.

2.     BNBA utilizes the safety base 1st base at our fields. Coaches should teach their players to

Utilize the orange part of the base when proceeding to first.


1.     A maximum of 9 players in regular baseball positions can be in the field, however, a team

may play with as few as 8.

2.     If at any time a team can’t field at least 8 players, that team can borrow players from their

opponents, or get players from the player pool. An automatic out will be taken for the missing

ninth player.

3.     Players should not sit more than 2 consecutive innings.

4.     Infield fly rule applies

5.     The drop third strike applies.

6.     If the ball is thrown out of the playing field (under or over a fence, into the dugout, or stuck

under a fence), play stops and all baserunners are allowed to advance one base beyond the

base they were attempting.

7.     A batted fair ball that bounces over, under, or becomes stuck in a fence, is a ground rule double.


1.     The number of pitches thrown by each pitcher must be recorded on the umpire’s game card, as

well as in both team’s scorebook. Each team will receive a dual pitch counter for the purpose of

tracking pitches of every pitcher from both teams.

2.     It is the responsibility of the Head Coach to ensure that pitch counts are being kept and recorded.

3.     Each team shall designate a coach or parent to operate the dual pitch counter, and keep

umpires and head coaches up to date on each pitcher’s pitch count.

4.     Pitching distance for Major division is 54ft.

5.     No player may pitch more than 80 pitches per game and 145 pitches in a calendar week

(Monday through Sunday). If a player pitches 80 pitches on Monday, he/she must immediately

come out and has 65 pitches for the remainder of the week. Any pitcher reaching the maximum

number of pitches at the time he/she is facing a hitter, must be removed immediately, and cannot

finish the batter. It is the responsibility of the Head Coach to keep track of each pitcher’s pitch

count, and strictly abide by this rule.

6.     If there is a disagreement between pitch counts, then the two different pitch counts shall be

added together and divided by two. It is imperative to track pitches.

7.     A rest period is required for each pitcher that appears and pitches in a game. This rest period is

as follows:

A.    0 Day 1-30 pitches

B.    1 Day 31-60 pitches

C.    2 Days 61-80 pitches

8.     Balks will be called after the first violation from each pitcher. Umpires may explain why the balk

was called, and coaches may take this opportunity to instruct the pitcher.

9.     A team is allowed 2 mound visits per pitcher, per game. A third visit will result in the current

pitcher being removed from the mound.

10.  At the beginning of a game the starting pitcher shall be given 8 warm-up pitches, and each

subsequent inning 5 warm-up pitches. Relief pitchers shall be allowed no more than 5 warm-

up pitches. This includes warm-up pitches to a coach or other player.

11.  Any player warming up a pitcher shall wear a catcher’s mask.

12.  Safety, especially pitching, is taken very seriously, and for that reason anyone that violates these

rules, in any manner, will be subject to removal and possible suspension. These rules like all

rules are for the safety of the players and to safeguard the integrity of this game as well as our


Pitch Smart is a joint initiative between MLB and USA Baseball that provides a series of

practical age-appropriate guidelines to help parents, players, and coaches avoid overuse injuries

and foster long, healthy careers for amateur players.

Post Season Tournament


The Bloomington-Normal Baseball Association will hold its annual post season tournament

for Prospect, Minor, and Major divisions beginning the third week of July. The tournament seedings

will be released the last week of the regular season, and it is based on the standings at that time.

Some teams may still have one or two games left when seedings come out, so the seedings could

change, and this change may not post until the weekend before the tournament starts.

Each division will play a double elimination tournament, if time and field availability allow, and will

begin on a Monday and end on Saturday. All regular season rules apply, except no game can end in

a tie, and if there is less than 10 minutes left in the game and the teams are within 3 runs of each

other, another inning can start.

Any team that does not have enough players (8 or less) during the tournament may pick up players

from any other team, within the same division, once the team the pick- up players are from has been

eliminated from tournament play. A team may use only enough pick-up players to bring the number

of total players to 10 (example: 7 regular players and 3 pick-up players).

Pick up players will wear their regular team uniform. They CANNOT pitch for the team that picked

them up and must bat at the bottom of the batting order. Only players that played on a BNBA regular

season roster can be a pick-up player (NO travel team players). NO EXCEPTIONS!

If a violation of this rule is reported (via protest), the game must be played to its conclusion, and then

the BNBA Director, and Board officers will investigate the validity of the reported violation.

The Bloomington-Normal Baseball Association reserves the right to change the structure of, cancel,

or eliminate the Post Season Tournament altogether, if the conduct of any of the participants (players,

coaches, and parents/spectators), does not conform to BNBA’s guidelines on sportsmanlike behavior.

It is also the right of this organization to add to or remove from any rule that it deems inadequate,

ambiguous, or unnecessary to its mission/purpose.


All-star Games

The Rookie, Prospect, Minor and Major All-Star games will be held the final week of July. Each team

selects players from its roster that exemplify not just skillful players, but, what true sportsmanship is.

Each division will have two teams of 12 players to participate in BNBA’s All-Star Classic.

Code 0f Conduct/Volunteers/Participants


Volunteering means giving your time and abilities to aid others, such as a non-profit organization like

BNBA, without want of any compensation other than the satisfaction of assisting such organization in the

realization of its mission/purpose. Put simply, volunteering is a service to your community, and in our case

service to our community's youth.

BNBA relies on volunteers to accomplish day-to-day objectives and to reach long-term goals. We would

not be able to accomplish our objectives or realize our goals without our volunteers. Volunteering your

time, skills, and resources is one of the most powerful ways to make a difference, to help others, and it

has been proven to enhance the wellbeing of those who serve.

It cannot be overstated how important the role of our volunteer coaches have been and continue to be

to our organization. They know how important youth sports programs are in promoting physical, social,

and emotional development of children. It is essential for parents, coaches, and officials to encourage

youth athletes to embrace the values of good sportsmanship. Adults involved in youth sports should be

models of good sportsmanship and lead by example by demonstrating fairness, self-control, and respect

for other players, coaches, parents, and officials. Below is BNBA’s code of conduct which is in addition

to all other Rules, Regulations, and Guidelines which again, is to protect everyone involved, and to

safeguard the integrity of the game of baseball as well as our program.


I (coach, player, parent/spectator, or official) pledge that my family and I are responsible for our words

and actions while attending, coaching, playing, or officiating in a BNBA event, and shall conform our

behavior to the following code of conduct:


1.     We will be responsible for our own actions, using self-control and self-discipline.

2.     We will show encouraging behavior to all BNBA program participants.

3.     We will treat all participants in the BNBA program with respect, tolerance, and consideration,

regardless of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, or ABILITY.

4.     We will deal peacefully with anger, insults, and disagreements.

5.     We will not engage in, nor encourage others to engage in, unsportsmanlike conduct with any

player, coach, official, parent or spectator.

6.     We will not engage in, nor encourage others to engage in, any behavior which would endanger

the health, safety, or well-being of any player, coach, official, parent or spectator.

7.     We will not use, nor encourage others to use, drugs or alcohol while at any BNBA event.

8.     We will not engage in, nor encourage others to engage in, the use of profanity or profane gestures.

9.     We will not engage in, nor encourage other to engage in, verbal or physical threats or abuse

aimed at any player, coach, official, parent or spectator.

10.  We will not initiate, nor encourage others to initiate, a fight or scuffle with any player, coach,

official, parent or spectator.


The BNBA Director and Board shall take whatever measures necessary to enforce this code of conduct,

all other Rules, Regulations, and Guidelines, up to and including any of the following actions:

       1.     Verbal warning issued by the BNBA Director/Board.

       2.     Written warning issued by the BNBA Director/Board.

       3.     Suspension of a player from the program due to his/her failure to comply with this code of


       4.     Removal of a player from the program due to his/her failure to comply with this code of conduct.

       5.     Removal of a player from the program due to the failure of his/her parents/guardians to comply

  with this code of conduct.

.      6.     Removal of a coach or official from the program due to his/her failure to comply with this code

  of conduct.



Bloomington-Normal Baseball Association
P.O. Box 3324 
Bloomington, Illinois 61702

Phone: 309-829-2129
Email: [email protected]

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